FedEx Sees Sign of a TurnaroundCNBC
Package delivery giant and U.S. economic bellwether FedEx is seeing signs for a potential turnaround in the second half as production seemed to be picking up again, German magazine WirtschaftsWoche reported.
Michael Ducker, in charge of FedEx's international business, told WirtschaftsWoche in an interview to be published on Monday that the downturn was easing and its ternationally transported volumes had not fallen further compared with the previous quarter.
"Production seems to be picking up again worldwide," he was quoted as saying.
He added that FedEx was aiming to save about $1 billion in its current financial year by, for example, taking out high fuel consuming planes, and by cutting working hours and maintenance costs.
FedEx was not planning on cancelling any of its plane orders, Ducker told the magazine.
Like its main rival, United Parcel Services , Memphis, Tennessee-based FedEx is considered a bellwether of U.S. economic activity.
Monday, July 6, 2009
FedEx: Sign of Growing Hope For the Economy
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Service Industry Showing Signs Of Hope
Service Industries Probably Contracted: U.S. Economy Preview
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Leading Indicators Signal Recovery
Turning A Corner?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Carnival of Investing Strategies #15
Jim presents Comparing Fixed Annuities & Certificates of Deposit posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Wren Caulfield presents Adventures in Cake, Installment One posted at True Adventures in Money Hacking, saying, "Invest in yourself by starting a home-based business and use your talents. Here's how I'm doing it."
Ricky Dee presents Mutual Fund Investing posted at Stock Market College - Investment Advice & Stock Tips.
Rick presents Retirement Investing posted at Stock Market College - Investment Advice & Stock Tips.
The Dough Roller presents Zecco Online Stock Trading for Free posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "See why Zecco is one of the highest rated online discount brokers around, and how you can still get 10 free trades every month, even in an IRA."
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents Should You Contribute to a 401k Without an Employer Match? posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "Why you should invest in your 401k even if your company doesn't offer a matching contribution."
Savings Toolbox presents Should You Switch to a Credit Union to Save? posted at Savings Toolbox.
Silicon Valley Blogger presents ETrade Online Brokerage Account: Top Broker Review posted at The Digerati Life.
Nickel presents Pay Off Mortgage Early? Or Invest? posted at
The Smarter Wallet presents Learn How To Invest: Develop An Investment Plan posted at The Smarter Wallet.
Freddy presents Bullish Stock According To Technical Analysis On May 17, 2009 posted at Protege Analytics.
Britannica Blog presents Recession Over? (Harley-Davidson: +140%; Winnebago: +170%) posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "If the stock prices of companies like Harley-Davidson and Winnebago selling luxury, discretionary items like $35,000 motorcycles and $140,000 RVs are rebounding by +100% over a two-month period, at 4-5 times the increase in the S&P500 Index, does that suggest that the recession must be over?"
Kathryn presents Getting into the Real Estate Market posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, "The prices are right and the added incentives by the government have many people eyeing the real estate market. It is important to take your time and review your situation completely before getting in too deep."
ChristianPF presents IRAs: Roth vs Traditional posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "Looking at the benefits of the ROTH ira and traditional ira"
Zach Scheidt presents CME Trades Higher on OTC Regulation posted at ZachStocks, saying, "Geithner has proposed new regulation for the OTC derivatives markets. Oversight of these contracts would likely benefit clearing firms like CME Group and IntercontinentalExchange"
Michael Haltman presents Does CNBC Know What A Bid and Ask Are? posted at The Political and Financial Markets Commentator, saying, "This hopefully makes some sense, but the point is that investors need to understand what is happening and the way that markets work, because in many instances the "experts" on television do not and are not."
Michael Cintolo presents How to Find the Hidden Values in Today’s Market posted at The Iconoclast Investor.
Dave presents The Money You Could Have Made posted at Cheapo Groovo.
Steve Patterson presents Goldman Sachs Group (GS) - Increased Profit Estimates posted at FastSwings, saying, "Buying Goldman now and holding until their earnings announcement looks like a winning strategy."
Kristjan presents A New Bull Market for Uranium posted at Personal Development for Awesome People.
Dan at Everydayfinance presents Sucker's Rally: For 34% since March, Call Me a Sucker! posted at Everyday Finance, saying, "With esteemed economists referring to current investors as 'suckers' in a Sucker's Rally the question is - for 34% since March, are you willing to be called sucker?"
Vahid Chaychi presents How to Use MACD or Moving Average Convergence / Divergence in Forex and Stock Trading posted at, saying, "MACD is one of the most important and reliable indicators in forex and stock trading. MACD helps the traders to take a position on time and to stay with the trend and maximize their profit. It also prevents them from going against the trend."
Kristjan presents Investment Opportunities in the Uranium Mining Sector posted at Personal Development for Awesome People.
One Family presents eBay (EBAY) – Stock Analysis posted at One Family's Blog.
Bank Savings Review presents More Restrictions to Repaying the TARP posted at Bank Savings Review, saying, "The government have spoken. No one will be able to repay TARP until we say so!"
ABC presents Investment Time Horizons for Retirees posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, "A short and concise analysis of retirement asset allocation possibilities."
Jim presents Who Can Invest at Lending Club? posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
MoneyNing presents Let Businesses Deal with Sales Tax - Government Improvement Series posted at Money Ning, saying, "Government really needs to improve on somethings and I say to let businesses deal with sales taxes!"
Barry presents Bull-Bear Royal Rumble: Bear To Assert Presence Soon posted at Jeflin's Investment Blog.
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents How to compare online brokers posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "Tips on how to find the best online brokerage for your needs."
Patrick @ Military Money presents Roth Option for TSP Close to Reality posted at Military Finance Network, saying, "A new investing option for military members and government employees is about to become a reality."
The Smarter Wallet presents Stock Market Index Analysis: Predicting An S & P Reversal posted at The Smarter Wallet.
Nickel presents SIPC Insurance Coverage: What Happens if Your Broker Fails? posted at
The Dough Roller presents Best Discount Brokers for Online Stock Trades and Option Trading posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "A review of the top online discount brokers"
Zach Scheidt presents Capella Education (CPLA) | ZachStocks posted at ZachStocks, saying, "Credit Card reform may benefit some consumers, but could restrain business. Look for opportunities to short card processors as the business will be under pressure."
Diego Cervantes presents The Amero Currency: Myths, Facts and 25 Great Resources for Further Research posted at Bankling.
Verna Morris presents How to Build Your Own Ivy Endowment Portfolio Using ETFs posted at ETFdb.
Freddy presents High Dividend Yield Stock For Income Investors (May 27, 2009) posted at Protege Analytics.
Wealth-Ed presents Can American Banks Bounce Back posted at Wealth Education - Investment Ideas Personal Financial Advice.
Jared presents General Growth Continues Restructuring Efforts posted at Wealth Education - Investment Ideas Personal Financial Advice.
Heather presents The Ultimate Guide to the BRIC ETFs | ETF Trends posted at ETF Trends, saying, "Many investors might know about the BRIC countries, but do they know how to invest in them? There are dozens of options when it comes to exchange traded funds (ETFs)."
Bank Savings Review presents FDIC is Running Out of Money but You are Safe posted at Bank Savings Review, saying, "FDIC is running out of money for sure but your money is probably still safe even if your bank goes under."
Silver Investor presents How To Buy Gold Through Your Brokerage Account posted at Gold Investing Info, saying, "Many want to buy gold but do not want to own the physical bullion."
Jack Schmidt presents Diversity Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry posted at SectorMatic Money Journal, saying, "Personal Finance - Everything for the Big Spender on a Budget. Now you can live like a fat cat, even if you're on a money diet. Laugh all the way to the bank with Jack Schmidt and SectorMatic. It's for you!"
Dividends4Life presents Is Now The Right Time To Start Investing? posted at Dividends Value, saying, "Over the last six to eight months, there have been several prognosticators saying the market has finally hit bottom. In most cases they were quickly proven wrong as stocks continued to decline. What’s an investor to do? When is the right time to start investing?"
Darwin presents The Riskiest ETFs on Earth - 3X Sector ETF Short/Long posted at Darwin's Finance, saying, "With investors are enamored by weekly returns in excess of 20%, this article demonstrates the destructive and volatile nature over time of the Riskiest ETFs on Earth - 3X sector ETFs."
Caterina Christakos presents Making Money in the Stock Market posted at Forex and Currencies Explained.
Praveen presents Three Stock Picking Ideas From Forbes Magazine posted at My Simple Trading System.
ChristianPF presents 3 keys to safe investing posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "Three things every investor should be doing if they are trying to maintain safe investments"
Jim presents Basics of Retirement Investing posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Glowing Face Man presents Short Term Assets vs. Long Term Assets posted at Glowing Face Man: Awaken the Badass Within, saying, "Longterm investment and passive income are all the rage these days, and for good reason. But it's also possible to go too far. Sometimes, short term beats long term."
The Dough Roller presents Morningstar User Guide posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "A comprehensive guide to making the most of Morningstar's tools and resources."
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents ShareBuilder Review posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "A full review of ShareBuilder, one of the most popular online brokerages for long term investors."
Patrick @ Military Money presents CD Ladders Are a Good Choice for Short Term Investments posted at Military Finance Network, saying, "If you need the money within the next few years, you don’t want to take much investment risk. CD ladders and savings accounts are a great choice."
Brian McKay presents CD Rates: Your Actual Rate of Return on a CD Investment These Days posted at, saying, "CD Rates: Finding decent CD rates is challenging these days, when you factor in the rate of inflation the return isn’t as bad as it seems"
Britannica Blog presents How an Inflation Threat Could Make the 1970s Look Like Happy Days posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "When the U.S. financial system seemed on the brink of collapse last fall, Washington undertook the largest monetary rescue in history. The $750 billion allocated to shore up failing banks and AIG was only the beginning. The Federal Reserve has made available hundreds of billions more in assorted “lending facilities.” Many details, including the exact cost, have been kept secret. Some educated guesses put the number at $2 trillion."
The Writer presents Diversification is NOT Dead posted at WeSeed, saying, "Some people think diversification is dead...but is it just another scare tactic to sell us something we don't really need?"
Manshu presents List of Gold ETFs posted at OneMint.
Barry presents Is This Stock Market Rally For Real? | Jeflin's Investment Blog posted at Jeflin's Investment Blog.
ABC presents Stock Prices Do Not Represent Stock Value (or Company Value) posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, "A lower priced stock isn't "cheap"."
Four Pillars presents Is Dave Ramsey A “Financial Expert” posted at Quest For Four Pillars, saying, "A discussion of Dave Ramsey and his methods."
KCLau presents Why Robert T. Kiyosaki is a best-selling author? posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Robert T. Kiyosaki is the best personal finance author I follow. I started reading his books back in 1999. Although some reviews you found written by readers on Amazon say that he keeps repeating most of the points, I still find them interesting every time. It works as a revision whenever he repeats."
Darwin presents 2009 Stock Market Returns by Country YTD posted at Darwin's Finance, saying, "This article highlights where the hottest market returns stand YTD (many 50-80%), which ETFs to use and what's next in emerging markets."
Bob Brooks presents A Better Way to Invest Than Buy and Hold Investing posted at Bob Brooks - Prudent Money Blog, saying, "If there was an investment strategy that always worked, then all of this would be easy. That is just not the case. Buy and hold doesn’t always work."
Praveen presents Sometimes You Bend Your Trading Rules... posted at My Simple Trading System, saying, "Taking an early profit to ease your comfort in a volatile market."
Jim presents A Typical Day in Life as an Independent Trader posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents What is investing? posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "The difference between investing, saving, and trading"
The Dough Roller presents How to Avoid a Mutual Fund’s Minimum Investment posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "Here's an easy and inexpensive alternative to a mutual fund's minimum investment requirement."
Tushar Mathur presents Long Term Investing posted at Everything Finance, saying, "Investing has its own language and understanding it can make it easier to be a confident investor. Two common terms you hear when people talk about investing are "bid" and "ask." here's an explanation of what they mean."
Britannica Blog presents NY Times: "Buy American" Is a Terrible Idea posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "“It’s not surprising that Democrats in Congress could not resist adding a “Buy American” provision to the fiscal stimulus bill earlier this year. It might seem sensible (or at least politically useful) to ensure that taxpayer dollars would be used exclusively to support American jobs."
Stephen Todd presents Trading Stocks With A System posted at Buy Stocks.
Investing School presents A Great Inflation Indicator posted at Investing School, saying, "Here's a seldom talked about but great inflation indicator. Check out the video."
Stock Trading Brokers presents Zecco Zirens | Educational Trading Videos posted at Stock Trading Brokers, saying, "Zecco Zirens consists of attractive ladies teaching investing basics. Check them out here."
Tyler Tervooren presents My Journey to Become a Green Investor - Part 4: The Final Decision posted at Frugally Green, saying, "This is the final installment of my journey to become a green investor. After copious research, I have finally selected the best fit for me, explain my decision making process and reflect on the month of research done to allow myself the peace of mind in selecting an investment that I won't need to fret about."
ABC presents Safe withdrawal rate for retirement funds - 4% rule posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, "How much can you withdraw from your portfolio in retirement? The 4% safe withdrawal rule explained."
Jim presents Smart Money 2009 Best Online Brokers posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Patrick @ Military Money presents Tax Advantages of 529 Plans posted at Military Finance Network, saying, "Tax advantages for the 529 College Savings plan."
The Dough Roller presents How to Profit from a Stock Market Crash posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "How to profit when the stock market goes down. HINT: It's really easy."
MoneyNing presents Turbocharge Your Savings with Certificate of Deposits (CDs) posted at Money Ning, saying, "Certificate of Deposits are boring but it's a guaranteed way of capital preservation!"
Mike presents Beware of the Double Dip posted at Great Depression Version 2: Bear Market and Economic Depression, saying, "The stock market may be up, but that does not mean the end of the recession is necessarily near."
Tony presents How A Certificate Of Deposit Works posted at Understanding Certificate of Deposits, saying, "Ever wonder how a bank CD actually works?"
Michael Cohen presents Don't Bet On A Soft Landing Into The New Normal posted at Debt, Economics, Boom and Bust, saying, "There are those predicting a new normal of 1-2% economic growth. We will likely not ease our way into that sort of situation."
Chris McClelland presents Stocks to Retire On posted at Lucrative Investing.
Investing School presents The Rule of 72 posted at Investing School, saying, "A neat mathematical trick to calculate when your investment will double!"
Tom Escent presents Introduction to Nerds on Wall Street posted at Quantitative Finance, saying, "Think of this book as sort of a Hitchhiker’s Guide to Wired Markets. There are no robots parking cars for six million years, but there are robots trading millions of shares in six milliseconds, so maybe that’s close enough."
Susan Saverton presents 9- Efficiency of Personal Investing Strategies posted at Pasadena Financial Planner, saying, "When pursuing optimal financial planning and investing strategies and controlling your costs and capital gains taxes, you also need to establish a time-efficient system to monitor, adjust, and adhere to your financial plan. You need to control and limit the time that you spend on your financial planning, and you need to focus your planning efforts on the most effective activities."
Noload Bonds presents Bond Mutual Fund Fees posted at Bond Market Index Funds, saying, "Simply put, if you pay higher bond mutual fund fees, then these bond management expenses tend just to be a deadweight loss to you. The best bond fund buying strategy is to pick only very low-cost no load bond funds."
Top 10 Index Funds presents Top 10 S and P 500 Index Funds posted at NO LOAD INDEX FUND, saying, "Buy these top 10 very low cost no load S&P 500 index mutual funds directly. You do not have to pay the heavy added expenses of buying through a stock broker, financial adviser, investment adviser, or investment counselor."
JJ presents Understanding Risk and Investments posted at Investing and your Future, saying, "Risk with investments is less cut and dry than you may think."
ChristianPF presents How to save more money to invest posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "Tips to help you find and save money to invest...."
Ben presents Day Trading VS Long Term Trading posted at Money Smart Life.
The Dough Roller presents How is the Dow Calculated? posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "See how the components of the Dow are selected and how the storied index is calculated." presents Ten Important Lessons From the History of Mergers & Acquisitions posted at M&A Blog.
Manshu presents iShares Dow Jones EPAC Select Dividend Index: IDV posted at OneMint, saying, "iShares Dow Jones EPAC Select Dividend Index (IDV) is a relatively smaller ETF with just $47.26 million of assets under management. As the name suggests it tracks an index that is based on high dividend yield stocks. It is invested in stocks that are outside US and are primarily present in Australia, UK and Hong - Kong."
Barry presents Buy Gold To Keep Up With Inflation posted at Jeflin's Investment Blog.
Stephen todd presents Investing - day trading systems posted at Currency Trading.
Praveen presents Two Recommended Stocks: ATVI and WOOF posted at My Simple Trading system.
ABC presents Should I Invest In Dividend Stocks (and what are they?) posted at ABCs of investing, saying, "An explanation of dividend stocks and why you might want to invest in them."
Investing School presents Passive Investing Convert posted at Investing School, saying, "Passive investing is really wearing on me!"
Tushar Mathur presents Can't Control the Markets? Try controlling the Costs posted at Everything Finance, saying, "As 2008 proved, the financial markets are prone to unpredictable periods of turbulence. That can make investing feel a bit like a roller-coaster ride. The disappointing results that many mutual funds posted in 2008 and at the outset of 2009 may have left you feeling concerned over your financial future. You're not alone."
ChristianPF presents Should you convert your IRA to a Roth in 2010? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "This article discusses the advantages of a Roth conversion in 2009 and in 2010..."
Nickel presents Index Mutual Funds vs. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) posted at
Stephen todd presents Stock Market Trading - Investment Portfolio And Trading Strategy posted at Buy Stocks.
ABC presents Some Index Funds and ETFs Are Not Diversified posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, "Some ETFs and index funds are too specific and risky for a passive investor."
Jim presents Best Options Broker Review posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
ChristianPF presents Using a Roth IRA as an emergency fund? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "Is it a good idea to use your Roth IRA as an emergency fund? The answer may surprise you..."
AIG Explained
The Man Who Crashed The World
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Market Correction?
The stock market can create and destroy wealth like no other. People can make more money in the stock market in one month, than the amount they would have made in years of working. Minor day to day movements in the stock market create and destroy billions, if not trillions, of dollars of wealth in the world everyday. Where else would you ever see that being done? Just as the stock market can create money for us to live off of for retirement, pay for a new house, college tuition for our kids, or a vacation, the market can also destroy that money. And that is what has happened this past year. In fact, the market has destroyed so much money, that only the market can bring it back. It would take this generation of people years and years to rebuild that wealth by just working in jobs alone. And it is for that reason alone, that more than ever in history, we are so desperate for a rally. So we can create billions of dollars a day, instead of losing the billions of dollars a day we have become accustom to as of late. We got a rally, a historic one, but the problem was, it came from no where and not enough people were in the market at the time to take advantage of it. Yes, it is true that in history, after such a huge market rally, we typically see a correction. But I want to remind people, that there is no law that says history has to repeat itself. Just because the correction happened before, does not mean it is going to happen again. More importantly, this rally has something that no rally has had before. It was a rally that people desperately needed, in order to retire and to witness their dreams again. But it is a rally that most people missed. Now, people are fearful of missing the next leg up, and there will be one. This economy has show signs of significant improvement and the market has not priced it all in yet. And the only way we will get back to our living standards before this recession will be through the stock market creating wealth again.
The analysts on wall street are forgetting the enormous power that fear has in controlling the market. Fear of the financial collapse drove this market to the ground. But now the fear in the market is a different fear. It is a fear that you will miss the next rally, and you will not be able to attain back the wealth you had prior to this recession in your life time. And it is that fear that will prevent any correction from happening. At any sign of a small downturn, buyers will swoop in, seeing this as their opportunity to get back into the market for the next leg up. In my opinion, this is the strongest factor that will prevent a significant correction. It is a fear that we have not witnessed before, fear of missing out on market gains, not of the market going lower.
Another thing that is annoying me is that every analyst I hear says they think that the market is going to have a correction, but then go up again. In case they were sleeping during their economics 101 class, I think they forgot that is not how prices work. You cannot believe that prices will fall a little tomorrow, and then the day after they will go up a lot. If that is the case, that prices today will automatically adjust to the farthest outcome, in this case the day after tomorrow's market gain. You can't say that the market is going to correct itself in July, but then go up again in August. Prices will just adjust automatically to the expected gain in August right away, bypassing any July correction. And that is what most analyst have been saying, correction before we go higher again. That does not make economic sense. At all. If it is KNOWN to go up in August, why would it bother going down in July... If you think a significant correction is going to happen, you can't think the next day there is going to be a sudden upward trend.
Unemployment hit 9.5% today, better than the expected 9.6%. I don't know why everyone suddenly panicked about it, it is priced in and assumed by all that the unemployment rate is going to go north of 10%... so why is 9.5% such a surprise. Most CEOs have said that business has bottomed out, and as their business bottoms out, they will slow down layoffs. For the 90% of people who still have their job, they are living in fear of getting laid off. Because of that fear they are not spending any money and really clamping down the economy. But as that fear goes away, as the unemployment rate growth begins to slow down, that fear will go away and spending will bring this economy back. We used to have the unemployment rate jump by .5 percent, but now its only .1. Obviously, it can be argued that the labor market is in more peril that a simple .1% gain in unemployment. But the important thing is that a .1% gain doesn't seem as scary as some of those other gains we have had. And that matters a lot because the 90% of employed people need to stop being fearful and need to get out and spend because odds are, your job is safe. And once that spending goes up we will see the recovery we all want.
The market has had a month to correct itself and its only gone down 5%. Given that we don't get any fundamental change, the market is not going get down much lower. We had a huge downturn today and I heard some analyst on CNBC bragging about how he called the downturn for a month. Well I am glad after a month of saying it, he finally got his downturn. That is like telling someone for a 100 years that one day they are going to die... eventually you will be correct but that doesn't make it a good prediction.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Someone Is Hiring!
Wal-Mart to add 22,000 jobs in U.S.
BENTONVILLE, Arkansas (Reuters) - Discounter Wal-Mart Stores Inc says it will add more than 22,000 jobs in its U.S. namesake stores in 2009.
The forecast points to lower growth compared with last year, as the world's biggest retailer opens fewer of its U.S. Wal-Mart discount stores to focus on expansions and renovations.
Last year, the company created 33,800 U.S. jobs, though that figure also included new jobs at its much smaller Sam's Club members-only chain of warehouse stores.
Wal-Mart has gained market share despite the poor economic climate as shoppers seek out its low prices on everything from food to electronics.
But the retailer has not been immune to the downturn. At an October analyst meeting, executives said the company would slow expansion of new U.S. Wal-Mart supercenters to focus instead on spiffing up existing stores.
Last October, Wal-Mart announced plans to open 157 to 177 new or expanded stores and clubs during the current 2010 fiscal year in the United States.
Numerous retailers including Target Corp and department store operator Macy's Inc have announced job cuts in recent months as the recession slows sales.
Overall, the U.S. economy is expected to shed 520,000 nonfarm payroll jobs in May alone, according to a Reuters poll of 79 economists.
Wal-Mart said the new positions will be in all levels of retail operation, including cashiers sales, store management to pharmacists and other positions.
Benefits, including affordable health plans that offer customized health coverage options, will be available to full- and part-time associates, the company said.
The announcement comes as the retailer readies for its annual shareholder's meeting on Friday, and just four months after it slashed 700 to 800 jobs at its Wal-Mart and Sam's Club home offices in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Source: Reuters
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
17th edition of the Carnival of Everything Money
Welcome to the 17th edition of the Carnival of Everything Money. I wanted to give my thanks to everyone who is contributing to making this carnival a success! I would appreciate it if anyone who is featured in the carnival links back to this post. If you want to submit an article for next week's edition, the submission form is here. Just a reminder: I am not including articles that are not submitted with a category. If your article wasn't included, that's most likely why. Please change it because the more articles I can post, the better!
The Budgeter presents Let the Bad Press on the Economy Work in Your Favor posted at Keep Your Cash, saying, "The recession, while painful, can help you find bargains when you are out shopping."
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Best High Interest Savings Accounts In Online Banking posted at The Digerati Life.
Pinyo presents How To Improve Your FICO Credit Score posted at Moolanomy, saying, "Improve your credit score with these easy to follow tips."
Jim presents How to Review Your Equifax Credit Report posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
David presents Discover Card Doubles Rewards for Military Families posted at Credit Card Offers IQ, saying, "Discover Card is doubling cash back and points rewards this summer for families in the military."
The Dough Roller presents Starwood Preferred Guest American Express Card Review posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "The Starwood Preferred Guest card by American Express may just pay for your next vacation."
Patrick @ Military Money presents Discover Card Double Cash Back on Military Installations Worldwide posted at Military Finance Network, saying, "Discover Card is offering Discover Card holders a special bonus for purchases made on military installations - double cash back from Memorial Day to Labor Day (05/25/09 - 09/07/09)."
Mr Credit Card presents American Express Membership Rewards Review posted at Ask Mr Credit Card.
Bob Brooks presents New Credit Card Laws - Victory for the Credit Card Industry and Congress??? posted at Bob Brooks - Prudent Money Blog, saying, "Why can't politicians write laws that are easy to interpret? The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 favors the credit card companies rather than the consumers. This bill just defines how credit card companies can raise rates on you. This is just another dog and pony show by our politicians."
NetBiz presents How To Negotiate Credit Card Debt posted at Your Finish Rich Plan, saying, "These days credit card companies are much more open to negotiation"
Leave Debt Behind presents Yes, Debt Settlement Will Affect Your Credit Score posted at Leave Debt Behind.
Raj Patel presents UNBROKE: What You Need to Know about Money posted at DebtGoal.
Kristjan presents Option ARM Defaults Looming On the Horizon posted at Personal Development for Awesome People.
Brian McKay presents Mortgage Rates: APY vs. APR posted at, saying, "Mortgage Rates: We have all seen rates offered as APY or APR. APY means annual percentage yield and APR means annual percentage rate. The different between the two is compounding interest."
Darwin presents How to Save Money with a Contractor - Patio Example posted at Everyday Finance, saying, "This article highlights an approach to reducing the cost of contractor jobs which requires a different approach than your standard frugal savings tips."
Buck Weber presents 10 Free Barter & Swap Sites posted at THE BUCK LIST, saying, "During the current economic climate people are rediscovering the advantages of bartering and swapping. If what you are looking to barter or trade for is not available from friends and family here are some online options you can try."
ABC presents Investment Time Horizons for Retirees posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, "Discussing investment asset allocations and time horizons for retirees."
Scott H presents 10 Economic and Business Pro Tips from World of Warcraft posted at College and Finance, saying, "The economic recession, investor panic, and the numerous bailouts might have been avoided if only CEO's and Wall Street traders weren’t n00bs, and had played World of Warcraft to learned these Pro Economic and Business lessons."
Silver Investor presents How To Buy Gold Through Your Brokerage Account posted at Gold Investing Info, saying, "Many want to buy gold but do not want to own the physical bullion."
Melchor Reyes presents Property Lien - How Do Property Liens Work posted at tax lien investing.
Praveen presents Three Stock Picking Ideas From Forbes Magazine posted at My Simple Trading System.
Glowing Face Man presents Short Term Assets vs. Long Term Assets posted at Glowing Face Man: Awaken the Badass Within, saying, "Longterm investment and passive income are all the rage these days, and for good reason. But it's also possible to go too far. Sometimes, short term beats long term."
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents ShareBuilder Review posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "A full review of ShareBuilder, one of the most popular online brokerages for long term invetors."
Finance Tips 101 presents He Said She Said Finances posted at Finance Tips 101.
The Smarter Wallet presents Fibonacci Retracement: A Technical Stock Tool To Predict Market Direction posted at The Smarter Wallet.
Manshu presents List of Gold ETFs posted at OneMint.
Bouch presents Top Rated Money Making Opportunities | posted at MoneyStance - Money Making Opportunity Reviews.
Len Penzo presents 9 Personal Finance Lessons I Learned from Watching "The Simpsons" posted at Len Penzo . Com, saying, "Personal finance advice for those who want to stretch their D'oh!"
Kaushik Chokshi presents Are you unemployed – Lost your job? – Worried about your job? Laid off? Not finding a job? Do you have anxiety about the financial crisis? posted at Beyond Karma, saying, "How to instantly release anxiety about job loss, business downturn, or asset loss during this crisis."
Lazy Man and Money presents Friends’ Influence and Money: A Two Way Street posted at Lazy Man and Money.
Shot presents The Chrysler Trabant and the GM Wartburg posted at
ChristianPF presents Purpose + Passion = Performance posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "The key to success in every area can be defined by following this simple formula...
Nissim Ziv presents How to make money selling on eBay posted at eBay Business Guide, saying, "There are many ways and tips for selling on eBay. This article provides some essential tips for you to make money selling on eBay.”
These days more and more people are looking for an additional source of income. EBay has given these people an option to earn and to start an eBay business."
Diego Cervantes presents The Amero Currency: Myths, Facts and 25 Great Resources for Further Research posted at Bankling.
Britannica Blog presents How an Inflation Threat Could Make the 1970s Look Like Happy Days posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "When the U.S. financial system seemed on the brink of collapse last fall, Washington undertook the largest monetary rescue in history. The $750 billion allocated to shore up failing banks and AIG was only the beginning. The Federal Reserve has made available hundreds of billions more in assorted “lending facilities.” Many details, including the exact cost, have been kept secret. Some educated guesses put the number at $2 trillion."
Ed Biado presents How to save on utility bills posted at Ed Biado at MST Life | Philippine Lifestyle News.
Four Pillars presents 397 Ways To Save Money - Squawkfox Book Review posted at Quest For Four Pillars, saying, "397 Ways To Save Money - Book review on's new release!"
Bank Savings Review presents Ally Bank Review posted at Bank Savings Review, saying, "Is a bank that's associated with GMAC good enough?"
Bank Savings Review presents FDIC is Running Out of Money but You are Safe posted a Bank Savings Review, saying, "FDIC is running out of money for sure but your money is probably still safe even if your bank goes under."
Praveen presents Easy Ways to Generate Cash posted at My Simple Trading System.
BankMan presents $250k FDIC Deposit Insurance Extended to 2013 posted at High Yield Savings Accounts, saying, "The FDIC has extended the additional insurance until the end of 2013, which will add stability to the banking industry and instill more consumer confidence in our economy."
The Writer presents Stock Charts: What Are They Good For? posted at WeSeed, saying, "Stock charts may not tell us about the future of a stock, but they can certainly teach us a thing or two to become sharper investors."
Mike Pastore presents Invest in Penny Stocks Today To Aquire Wealth posted at Mikes
Wealth-Ed presents Can American Banks Bounce Back posted at Wealth Education - Investment Ideas Personal Financial Advice.
Jared presents General Growth Continues Restructuring Efforts posted at Wealth Education - Investment Ideas Personal Financial Advice.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Revised GDP
GDP Drops 5.7% as Fall in Economy Begins to EaseThe US economy contracted slightly less than initially estimated in the first quarter, while corporate profits rebounded, according to a Commerce Department report on Friday that hinted that the recession was moderating.
Gross domestic product, which measures total goods and services output within U.S. borders, dropped at a 5.7 percent annual rate, the department said, less than the 6.1 percent estimated by the government last month.
The revisions were below market expectations for a 5.5 percent contraction for the January-March quarter.
Output has declined for three straight quarters for the first time since 1974-1975.
The Commerce Department's preliminary report also showed corporate profits after taxes increased 1.1 percent in the first quarter, the first increase in a year, after plummeting 10.7 percent in the fourth quarter. Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast profits dropping 7 percent.
Economic activity in the first quarter was dragged down by cutbacks in business, federal government, residential and nonresidential investment as well as a drop in exports.
Business inventories fell $91.4 billion after slipping by $25.8 billion in the fourth quarter. Last month, the Commerce Department estimated the drop in inventories at a record $103.7 billion in the first quarter. Inventories subtracted 2.34 percentage points from the overall GDP figure.
Excluding inventories, GDP contracted 3.4 percent, the department said.
Exports fell 28.7 percent, the largest decline since the fourth quarter of 1971, after dropping 23.6 percent in the fourth quarter. The drop in exports lopped off a record 3.86 percentage points from GDP.
Investment by businesses tumbled a record 36.9 percent in the first quarter, while residential investment dived 38.7 percent, the biggest decline since the second quarter of 1980.
Consumer spending, which accounts for over two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, rose 1.5 percent, but slower than the 2.2 percent rate estimated by the government last month.
Spending had collapsed in the second half of last year.
Consumer spending was lifted by a 9.6 percent leap in the consumption of durable goods, the biggest advance since the first quarter of 2006. Motor vehicle output cut 1.36 percentage points from first-quarter economic activity, an improvement from the 2.01 percent subtraction in the fourth quarter.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Carnival of Everything Money #16
PFCreditCards presents Credit Card Companies are Screwed with the New Bill posted at PF Credit Cards, saying, "Credit card companies have had enough fun. They are going to lose tons of money on this new bill."
BrandonLaughridge presents New Credit Card Law Likely to Hurt Markets posted at Mortgage Loan Place Blog, saying, "An interesting take on the next meltdown. Credit card companies appear to be the culprit."
Jim presents How Secured Credit Cards Work posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Jim DeSantis presents 3 Keys To Self-Control and Saving Money posted at On Line Tribune | Family Life, saying, "Lack of self-control when it comes to money is a common pitfall for most people. Often, when people come into an extra amount of money, they have this tendency to rush out and instantly satisfy the irresistible urge to splurge on anything they lay their eyes on. This is a very costly mistake from a number of aspects. Sometimes people fail to recognize the idea that the future has to be considered, too, whenever spending and saving enter the picture."
Wenchypoo presents The Protectionist Plastic Police posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Discover Credit Card Rewards, Sign Up Bonuses and Holiday Promotions posted at The Digerati Life.
Mr Credit Card presents Credit Cards to Rebuild Credit - Credit Score of 640-680- What Cards Can I Get? posted at Ask Mr Credit Card.
Raj Patel presents A Second Glance at Debt Settlement posted at DebtGoal.
Nickel presents How to Find the Best Mortgage Rates posted at
Tiffany Colter presents Recipes for this week?s sales posted at Hidden Leaks, saying, "Don't know how to use those sale items in your local grocery store to help your finances? You'll get healthy, great-tasting, money-saving recipes here!"
Heather Levin presents How To Go Green and Save Money On Your Air Conditioning posted at The Greenest Dollar, saying, "Want to know how to reduce your costs for air conditioning this summer? There are tons of tips in this article!"
Steve Faber presents Get Cheap Car Insurance in California (of all places) posted at Cheap Car Insurance.
Wren Caulfield presents DIY Project: Bike Panniers posted at True Adventures in Money Hacking, saying, "For those of you who've been following my Bike to Work series, here's another way to save money and be green by commuting by bike!"
Pinyo presents How To Save Money - The 1,001 List Of Money Saving Tips And Ideas posted at Moolanomy, saying, "Saving money is the key to improve your finances. This list of lists contains over 1,000 ideas on how to reduce your expenses."
Patrick @ Military Money presents Lowe’s and Home Depot Memorial Day Discounts posted at Military Finance Network, saying, "Home Depot and Lowe's are supporting military personnel and their families with a 10% discount for Memorial Day."
SpendingIt presents The Three Biggest Opportunities to Save Money posted at Spending It.
Chris presents British Pound Information posted at Learn Currency Trading, saying, "Information about the British Pound"
Investing School presents Morningstar Review - Free vs Premium Membership posted at Investing School, saying, "Morningstar is a well known name but not many people know of its free service. Is it worth the money? Find out."
Raag Vamdatt presents Understanding Deep Discount Bonds :: :: Financial Planning demystified posted at
Vahid Chaychi presents How to Use MACD or Moving Average Convergence / Divergence in Forex and Stock Trading posted at, saying, "MACD is one of the most important and reliable indicators in forex and stock trading. MACD helps the traders to take a position on time and to stay with the trend and maximize their profit. It also prevents them from going against the trend."
Kristjan presents Investment Opportunities in the Uranium Mining Sector posted at Personal Development for Awesome People.
ABC presents Investment Time Horizons for Retirees posted at ABCs of Investing, saying, "A short and concise analysis of retirement asset allocation possibilities."
FIRE Getters presents What is the Current Inflation Rate? posted at FIRE Finance.
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents How to compare online brokers posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "Tips on how to find the best online brokerage for your needs."
Silicon Valley Blogger presents $50 TradeKing Bonus Extended, Zecco Free Stock Trades Update posted at The Digerati Life.
The Smarter Wallet presents S & P Index and Crude Oil Market Trends: Next Steps? posted at The Smarter Wallet.
Zach Scheidt presents China Gaming Continues to Grow - NetEase Shares Rebound posted at ZachStocks, saying, ", Inc. (NTES) is one of China's strongest gaming companies with additional exposure to online advertising. The stock is rebounding after a strong earnings report. Eventually, shares could rise 60% from current levels."
Steve Faber presents How We?ll Be Forced To Drive the Most Fuel Efficient Cars - Even if We Don?t Want To posted at super gas saver.
EE presents 5 Things I’ve Learnt About Making Money on the Internet posted at Web Career Girl, saying, "Some things I've learnt on my road to making extra money on the internet through writing and blogging."
Kim M. Bayne presents Personal Finance: 10 Creative Ways to Earn Cash While in College - Official Quicken ® Blog posted at The Quicken Blog.
ChristianPF presents What to do when you hate your job posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "Things to do if you can't stand your job!"
marjorie presents Econ4U: A Financial Literacy Resource posted at Wealth Junkies, saying, "Econ4U, a financial literacy website, stands out among the many websites of its kind as one that presents concepts in a way that most readers can grasp. In addition to simple articles, the site includes several quizzes on topics like credit card debt and home ownership. Although, the site isn’t going to solve everyone’s financial problems, it does provide excellent resources."
Chris presents Selling a house without an agent? 3 things to think about posted at Home I Own, saying, "This post about one thing people shouldn't try and save on when selling their house"
MoneyNing presents Let Businesses Deal with Sales Tax - Government Improvement Series posted at Money Ning, saying, "Government really needs to improve on somethings and I say to let businesses deal with sales taxes!"
Barry presents Saving Money At The Amusement Park posted at Associate Money.
Brian McKay presents Weekly Money Market Account - Savings Account Rates:Updated May 21, 2009 posted at, saying, "Money market account rates and savings account rates are dismal these days. The average rates for all account balances are under one percent."
Patrick @ Money Saving Deals presents $50 ING Checking Account Bonus posted at Cash Money Life Deals, saying, "Get $50 for opening a new ING Electric Orange Checking Account."
The Dough Roller presents Review of WT Direct Online Savings Account posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "While most banks offer interest rates on savings accounts below 1%, WT Direct is offering 1.76% for accounts over $10,000"
KCLau presents Easy Pawn Shops - Do you need to Pawn? posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Pros and cons of pawning"
Wenchypoo presents Saving Energy Begins at Home Part III--Examining Efficiency posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
One Family presents eBay (EBAY) – Stock Analysis posted at One Family's Blog.
Bank Savings Review presents More Restrictions to Repaying the TARP posted at Bank Savings Review, saying, "The government have spoken. No one will be able to repay TARP until we say so!"
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
And The Rally Goes On!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Economy Stabilizing
Goods Orders, Home Sales Probably Rose: U.S. Economy PreviewBy Courtney Schlisserma
May 24 (Bloomberg) -- Orders for durable goods and home sales probably rose in April as the worst U.S. recession in at least half a century started to loosen its grip, economists said before reports this week.
Bookings for goods meant to last several years increased 0.4 percent, the second gain in three months, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey ahead of a Commerce Department report May 28. Combined sales of new and existing homes likely advanced to a 5.02 million annual rate from a 4.93 million pace in March, other figures may show.
Stabilization in housing and manufacturing, the two areas suffering the biggest contractions, will help ease the economic slump. Still, gains will be difficult to sustain in coming months as banks remain hesitant to lend and unemployment climbs, underscoring projections from Federal Reserve officials and private economists that a recovery will be subdued.
“Evidence that the 16-month recession is coming to an end continues to build,” said David Resler, chief economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. in New York. “Home sales and building activity seem to be stabilizing and manufacturing surveys point to smaller production cuts and smaller job losses.”
An increase in orders for durable goods would follow a 0.8 percent drop in March. The Commerce Department’s report may also show bookings excluding transportation equipment fell 0.3 percent last month, according to the Bloomberg survey.
Orders Steady
United Technologies Corp., the maker of Pratt & Whitney jet engines and Carrier air conditioners, last week maintained its profit forecast for the year as order rates stabilized across its divisions since March.
There are some “early signs” of price stabilization in some markets, Chief Executive Officer Louis Chenevert said at a conference May 19, citing benefits from stimulus programs in the U.S. and in China for the Carrier and Otis divisions. Demand at the commercial and business jet aerospace units may have peaked in 2008 and will take several years to recover, he said.
Boeing Co., which saw a gain in bookings last month that probably contributed to the increase nationally, is among companies trying to make it easier for customers to get credit. Its financing arm may tap debt markets for as much as $800 million this year to help clients fund purchases, Chief Financial Officer James Bell said last week.
Cancellations at Boeing, the second-largest commercial- plane maker and defense contractor, have paralleled new orders this year. The Chicago-based company is cutting 10,000 jobs and reducing or postponing production of some models next year.
Auto Slump
Automakers continue to struggle. Chrysler LLC this month idled its 22 U.S. plants after filing for bankruptcy. General Motors Corp. also has cut output as a bankruptcy deadline looms.
Sales of existing houses, which account for more than 90 percent of the market, rose 2 percent in April to a 4.66 million annual rate from a 4.57 million pace the prior month, according to the survey median. The National Association of Realtors’ report is due May 27.
A day later, Commerce Department figures may show new-home sales increased 1.1 percent to a 360,000 annual rate, the most this year, the survey showed.
Toll Brothers Inc., the largest U.S. builder of luxury homes, said last week signs were beginning to emerge that the worst was over. The Horsham, Pennsylvania-based company said fiscal second-quarter revenue fell 51 percent from the same period last year as banks cut lending and demand sagged.
More Deposits
Deposits from buyers per community rose in seven of the past nine weeks compared with last year, Chief Executive Officer Robert Toll said on a May 20 conference call with analysts. The increase made him “slightly more optimistic,” Toll said.
“We believe the U.S. government’s forceful intervention in the capital markets has begun to restore some confidence that the financial system is on the road to stabilization,” Toll said.
A report tomorrow may show the decline in home prices that began almost three years ago is moderating. Property values in 20 of the largest metropolitan areas probably dropped 18.4 percent in March from the same month last year compared with an 18.6 percent decline in February, economist project figures from S&P/Case-Shiller will show.
The rebound in stocks and easing of the housing slump are helping to make Americans less pessimistic. The Conference Board’s gauge of consumer confidence, also due tomorrow, may rise to 43 for May, a six-month high, from 39.2 last month.
Finally, revised data from the Commerce Department on May 29 may show the U.S. economy contracted in the first quarter less than initially estimated, reflecting a smaller decline in inventories and a narrower trade gap.